Mission Statement
The purpose of the Anchorage Suomi-Finland Club is to carry on the fellowship of Finnish people and to promote and enhance the appreciation of Finnish culture. |
![]() Club Activities
The club is a social organization. The general membership meets monthly from September through May. Meetings include a hosted or potluck meal with occasional after-dinner activities that have included viewing Finnish films, special guest speakers and demonstrations. Annual events include the New Year "Uuden Vuoden Tinan Valu" lead pouring, "Urhonpäivä" St Urho's Day, Mad Hatter Party, May 1st Celebration "Vapunpäivä", Midsummer Picnic "Juhannusjuhla" and Christmas Party "Pikkujoulujuhla". The club has hosted special dinners or receptions for various Finnish dignitaries which have included Finland's Consulate General and the Ambassador to Finland; Finnish artists, sculptors, musicians and dance groups; and national sports teams in hockey, Nordic skiing; and numerous private visitors from Finland. Anchorage Suomi-Finland Club Inc.
8225 Spring Street Anchorage, AK 99509 |
![]() Finlandia Hall
The Anchorage-Suomi Finland Club's facility is available to the general public to rent for parties, receptions, weddings, meetings, seminars and classes. The main meeting room is 1240 square feet with an occupancy rating for 137 people. This facility is handicapped accessible and has a commercial rated kitchen. Sorry, we are not renting for private events at the moment. For more info on the club call: (907) 229-0751 |